



We live in a polluted & stressful world, which can easily overburden and strain our bodies with contaminants. And as you know, contamination may lead to severe health problems.

The most common types of toxins that can affect our bodies are:

ALLERGENS like chemicals, dust, food, mould & pollen

ANTI-NUTRIENTS like alcohol, caffeine, high fructose corn syrup, processed foods & trans fats  

BY-PRODUCTS from the chemical process responsible for keeping us alive like bile, carbon dioxide, nitrogen, stool & urea

CHEMICALS like cleaning products, glues, herbicides, pesticides & solvents

HEAVY METALS like aluminium, arsenic, cadmium, lead, mercury & tin

INFECTIONS like bacteria, parasites, viruses & yeast

MEDICATIONS used inappropriately, improperly or overused

On top of that, we all have to endure emotional, social & spiritual obstacles on a daily basis that can also contribute to tatty health and wellbeing! 


DISCONNECTION FROM NATURE no or minimal contact with the natural environment 

DISTRACTIONS constant noises, lights, images & smells 

ISOLATION hello 2020 + 2021

LACK OF SPIRITUAL CONNECTION no meaning or purpose in life

NEGATIVE EMOTIONS as well as constant gloomy thoughts like anger, blame, doubt, fear, guilt & hatred

OVER-STIMULATION from adverts, computers, phones, radio, television & social media

POOR MENTAL STATE like addiction, destructive patterns & overeating 

STRESS which can be a result of lack of self-care, financial strain, ott worrying & overworking

It’s a lot !!!

Luckily our bodies & minds are perfectly capable of handling all those nasty hurdles (without the need for special diets that don’t do anything that your body can’t naturally do on its own or expensive supplements), and despite constant changes in the outer world, they can maintain emotional & physical balance and wellbeing. This process is called homeostasis – an automated process by which biological systems maintain stability while adjusting to changing external conditions. All major body systems, including the brain, gut, kidneys, liver + gallbladder, lungs, lymphatics & skin, work together to help maintain balance, health and wellbeing. Thus, only when these organs are healthy can they effectively eliminate unwanted substances.

The detox process involves biotransformation, mobilization & elimination of toxins of both internal and external origin and helps rejuvenate your body naturally.

And while there are no exact symptoms that could suggest that your body’s natural detoxification system dwindles, there are several signs that could indicate a possible problem with your body’s detoxification, including:

bad breath & body odour

bloating & gas

dark circles under eyes

fatigue along with brain fog + interrupted sleep pattern

fluid retention and excess weight

headaches along with neck + shoulder pain


infertility along with low sex drive

irritable bowel, foul-smelling stool + dark colour urine

mood disorder

muscle + joint aches 

persistent colds & infections

premature ageing + weakness

rashes + canker sores

sinus congestion + postnasal drip

weight changes + loss of muscle tone

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, know one thing…

There isn’t a program or product that will fix the issue. I often come across a magical detox plan that is exaggerated, expensive, potentially harmful, and completely useless! 

So please stay clear of anything that sounds extreme, unrealistic, & too good to be true, and instead adopt a detoxifying lifestyle or seek professional help in severe symptoms!  


Avoidance of environmental toxicants: electromagnetic radiation, heavy metals, persistent organic pollutants

Exercise: daily physical activity like cardio, swimming, walking or yoga 

Healthy nutrition: a plant-based diet rich in organic products and adequate water intake

Plenty of: sleep + relaxation

Self-care practices for the body: acupuncture + massage 

Self-reflection practices: breathing exercises, mindfulness and meditation 

Toxins elimination: via chelation therapy, hot yoga class, sauna or steam room 

It is vital that you develop and maintain such a lifestyle, and as you can imagine, nutrition plays a huge part in it.

The first step

to promoting detox is to remove any foods + or beverages altogether from your diet that may be contributing to the burden of toxins in your body, including:
→ any foods containing petrochemical residues
→ polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons like charbroiled meat
→ trans fats
→ sugary, salty + processed foods
→ water contaminated with metals and chemicals.

The next step

is to incorporate more nourishing foods into your diet, which will support organs with detoxification and positively modify genetic expressions & cell signalling.

Fats & Oils provide an excellent energy source for the detox and biotransformation processes.

Grains source of soluble + insoluble fibre vital for intestinal transit 

Fruits contain various phytonutrients like anthocyanins, b-carotene & lutein that have protective antioxidant properties. They are also high in water content which aids in detoxification.

Legumes are a great source of soluble + insoluble fibre as well as a variety of amino acids + antioxidants and phytochemicals.

Low-Fat Dairy + Alternatives provide amino acid substrates along with selenium + sulfate.

Nuts + Seeds are not only a great source of energy + fibre but also have a positive impact on the reduction of bacterial deconjugating enzymes.

Protein’s high-quality, bioavailable protein is a vital source of amino acids needed for enzyme production like l-glutamine, l-cysteine or methionine.

Vegetables starchy veg, similarly to fruits, provide fibre + phytonutrients, while non-starchy ones offer a wide variety of phytochemicals that impact detoxification and biotransformation.    

Antioxidant-Rich Foods can help your body fight oxidative stress caused by excess free radicals and other toxins that increase your disease risk.

Pre+Probiotic Foods both support the body in building and maintaining a healthy colony of bacteria and other microorganisms, which supports the gut and aid digestion.